1. Navigate to "Identity Providers", click "Add Identity Provider | Create Third Party IDP" 
  2. Fill in the name for "Identity Provider Name" 
  3. Copy the "DualShield IdP Metadata" which downloaded earlier into the "SAML Metadata" field. 
  4. In "Name ID Format" drop down list, select a format called:  .
  5. In "Name ID Value" drop down list, select "userPrincipalName" 

  6. Do not enable the "Just-in-Time User Provisioning". 
  7. Select which users can authenticate using this IdP, i.e. deepnet.com 
  8. Set up the Network range. 

  9. Set the authentication methods, defined the "Authentication Methods", i.e. SAML and map to "SAML Context" called 

  10. Enable Single Sign-Out Configuration
  11. Copy the "SingleSignOnService Location URL" in DualShield IdP Metadata which was downloaded earlier. i.e. "https://backdas.deepnet.com:8074/appsso/login?DASApplicationName=VMWare IDMGR"  into "Redirect URL" field. 

  12. Download "Service Provider (SP) Metadata" and save into a local file. 

  13. Click "Save"






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