1. Install the latest DualShield server with EXACTLY the same FQDN as the one on the old machine - Please refer to Installation on Linux Console . Please note if you are using an external SQL database such as MS SQL but you are not planning on moving to a new SQL server then make sure you use a different name when you get to the section on creating a new database, to avoid corruption to the current live database.
2. Stop the DualShield service
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You will need to install libncurses5 dependency, before continuing.
For Ubuntu 24.04: (You may need to sudo su first)
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If the DualShield uses a local MySQL database, then export the DaulShield database
Copy the database file "dualshield.sql" from the Windows machine to the home folder of the Linux machine, and import it into the database Run the following commands to import the dualshield.sql file... (for the last command replace [username] with the account name used to log into Linux CLI
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Backup your original database and restore to the new one. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/relational-databases/backup-restore/quickstart-backup-restore-database?view=sql-server-ver16&tabs=ssms |
4. Copy the following files from the Windows machine to the home folder of the Linux machine:
7. Import the cacerts file. Run the following commands, but ignore the warnings about the JKS store using a proprietary format.
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cd /opt/dualShielddualshield/jre/lib/security/ /opt/dualShielddualshield/jre/bin/keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore /home/[username]/cacerts -srcstorepass changeit -destkeystore cacerts -deststorepass changeit -srcalias dualultimateca -noprompt /opt/dualShielddualshield/jre/bin/keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore /home/[username]/cacerts -srcstorepass changeit -destkeystore cacerts -deststorepass changeit -srcalias deepnetownca -noprompt |
8. Start the DualShield service on the new machine
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sudo systemctl start dualshield |
9 10. Start the DualShield service on the old machine
Important steps to license new machine!
10. Log onto the DualShield Console on the old machine, remove the license key.
11. Log onto the DualShield Console on the new machine, remove the license key and re-import the license key.