To program a SafeID/Diamond or SafeID/Pro token with a QR code, launch the SafeID/Diamond programming tool.  

Click the Scan QR Code button 

Before you scan the QR code please ensure that the clock on your computer is displaying the correct date and time.

You can scan the screen for a QR code, or load from a file.

If you are scanning the barcode on the screen please ensure that the QR code is not obscured by other windows, and if you have more than one monitor please ensure that both the app and the QR code are displayed on the main display (display 1).

If you still have difficulty in scanning the QR code double check you only have the one instance of the app running, and that it is the latest version of the app.  In most cases when there are issues with scanning of the QR code the most likely cause is the QR code contains the wrong data and may need to be regenerated.  To test the QR code you could check that the code works correctly with the authenticator app it is intended for (e.g microsoft authenticator), and if this fails then you know that the QR code will need to be regenerated.

Select Scan Screen.

If succeeded, the Seed box should be filled with the token's seed data.

Now, select your smart card reader from the Reader drop-down list, e.g. "HID OMNIKEY 5427 CK"

Press the Connect button

Now, switch on a SafeID token and place it on the reader. 

The tool will read out the token's serial number and time, and display them:

If you want to correct the clock on the token, then leave the "Sync Token Clock" checked, but first ensure the time on your pc is set correctly.

Press the Burn button

The token is successfully programmed.

Switch off the token and switch it on again to generate a new code

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