
Tasks provides a list of alerts that will perform tasks when the alerts specified conditions.

The following is a list of the default tasks that can be viewed by logging in to the management console then navigating to "Administration | Taskss";

The purpose of this task is to remove all tokens from the token repository of a specific product and manufacturer, that have been assigned to users in a specific organisational unit and domain (optionally, token deletion can be further restricted to inactive tokens).

The purpose of this task is to remove all tokens from the token repository of a specific product and manufacturer, that have been assigned to users in a specific group and domain (optionally, token deletion can be further restricted to inactive tokens).

The purpose of this task is to remove all tokens from the token repository of a specific product and manufacturer, that have been assigned to users in a specific domain (optionally, token deletion can be further restricted to inactive tokens).

The purpose of this task is to remove all tokens from the token repository of a specific product and manufacturer, that have been assigned to a specific user (optionally, token deletion can be further restricted to inactive tokens).

The purpose of this task is to remove all tokens from the token repository of a specific product and manufacturer (optionally, token deletion can be further restricted to tokens that have been assigned to users).

The purpose of this task is to reset all tokens in the token repository of a specific product and manufacturer.

The purpose of this task is to remove audited events logs from the database that are older than a specified number of days.

The purpose of this task is to export audit data from the database.  Once the data has been exported you may optionally purge the deleted data.

The purpose of this task is to set a new PIN for all tokens that meet the task parameters.

When users are deleted from an external LDAP identity sources, the user deletion may result in licenses being allocated to users that cannot be accessed in the management console.

The purpose of this task is to disable all users in a domain that are have been inactive for more than the specified number of days.

The system health check task is enabled by default, and by default is scheduled to run at 9 AM every day.

The purpose of this task is to delete sessions from IIS when the token is disabled.

The purpose of this task is to remove all audited events logs from the database.

The purpose of this task is to disable all tokens that are have been unused for more than the specified number of days.

The purpose of this task is to enable all tokens in the token repository of a specific product.

The purpose of this task is to remove all tokens from the token repository that are not currently used.

If you have moved user group(s) in your AD, run this task to synchronise with your DualShield server.

The purpose of this task is to clear all tokens for the specified product code and manufacturing code that are have passed their token expiry date.

This purpose of this task is to check if the current percentage of licenses consumed exceeds the threshold percentage stored in the task parameter "threshold"

The purpose of this task is to free up licenses consumed by externally disabled user accounts, i.e. user accounts that are disabled in the Active Directory.

The purpose of this task is to create indexes on the Log and Log Field tables.

The purpose of this task is to check if the database is out of sync, and if so an error "E_DATABASE_SERVER_SYNC_ERROR" will be raised in the audit logs.

This purpose of this task will clear finished tasks from the task list.

The "Path Notification Service" task is used for GridID path and identifies when it is due to expire, or if it has expired.

This task will send out notification to all users with token pins that are due to expire.

This task will send out notification to all users with static passwords that due to expire..

This  task periodically checks if tokens are about to reach their renewal time, and sends out notification messages to the users.

The "Token Reactivate Notification Service" task periodically checks if DeviceID tokens are about to need reactivation will send out notification messages to the users if required.

The notifications that are sent are specified in the DeviceID policy setting parameter "Reactivate notification:" (in the "Reactivate" section).

The purpose of this task is to remove all inactive DeviceID tokens from the token repository.

The purpose of this task is to send download links to users with unregistered mobileID tokens.

The purpose of this task is to remove all unused tokens from the token repository that are assigned to users in a specified group.

Task Parameters

Before tasks are scheduled (or run manually), we should provide the task parameters that are used during processing of the task script.

To access the task parameters left click on the context menu of the task then select "Parameters";

A new window titled "Task Parameters" will now open that lists the parameters that have been created for this task (see example below);

Specify the domain that assigned users of the tokens must be members of if the tokens are to be deleted by the task.

Specifies the Product Code of the tokens to be deleted.

Specifies if only inactive tokens are to be deleted when the task is run.

In the top right hand corner of this window are the buttons that all viewing, editing and deletion of task parameters;

To edit one of the listed parameters first select the parameter to be edited then click on the button.

A new window will now open that will allow you to edit the parameter (example below);

In most cases the only value that should be changed is the "Default Value" setting.

If the default value is updated, and the button is pressed, then this new value will be used by the task script next time the task is run.

Editing a Task

The task can be edited by left clicking on the context menu of the task and selecting "Edit";

A new window will now open titled "Task - Edit" that can be used to edit the task parameters.

Scheduling a Task

Tasks can be scheduled for automatic execution by selecting the "Schedule Enable" option then clicking on the icon;

When the is pressed a window will open titled "Schedule" that can be used to specify the when the report is scheduled to run; 

As an example, we can schedule the report to run at 1am every weekday using the following settings;

After clicking on the schedule details will be converted into text form and added against the report parameter "Schedule"; 

Manual Task Execution

Tasks can be run manually from the management console by left click on the context menu of the task, then selecting "Run";

A new window will open titled "Execute Task" will then open (the window will be populated with the default task property values for this task (example below);


Provide a brief description that will be used to describe the purpose of the task in the audit log.

Specify the domain that assigned users of the tokens must be members of if the tokens are to be deleted by the task.

If specified, this property will restrict token deletion to tokens that are assigned to users who are members of the selected Unit.

If supplied this parameter specifies that only tokens with the specified Product will be deleted.



Specifies if only inactive tokens are to be deleted when the task is run.



Before manually running the task the system administrator has the opportunity to temporarily replace these default values (the default values will return to their original state after the task has run).

When you have finished supplying the property settings, the task can be manually run by clicking on the  button. 

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