Generally, an application has to be published before it can be accessible by users.

To publish an application on an authentication agent, first navigate to the application list by select "Authentication | Applications" in the side panel

Click the conext menu icon "..." of the application, e.g. "Office 365" to access its context menu

select "Agents" in the context menu

select the authentication agent on which the application is to be published, e.g. "Single-Sign-on Server"

Click "SAVE" button to save settings

The Outlook Anywhere application has to be published on one or many Single Sign-On (SSO) servers.

You might see two SSO servers in your DualShield platform, one called "SSO Server" and the other called "Single Sign-on Server". The so-called "SSO Server" is the legacy SSO server in DualShield 5 and the "Single Sign-on Server" is the new SSO server in DualShield 6.


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