Currently, device certificates can only be installed and renewed automatically on Windows PCs. On other platforms, such as MacOS and Linux, users will have to install device certificates manually.

Log into the DualShield Service Console. 

In My Tokens, click "Create Token"

In Product, select "Device Cert"

You also need to provide a password that's used to secure the certificate

Click "Create New" button to create a new device certificate.

Depending on the policy, you might be asked to activate the new device certificate.

Click the "Activate" button

Enter the Activation Code that you have received, then

Click the "Activate" button

The newly created device certificate is now ready to be downloaded to your device. 

In the context menu, select "Download Certificate"


Navigate to the web page where you can download your SSL certificate

For instance, sign in to your DualShield Service Console, find the DeviceCert token, click "Download Certificate" from its context menu:

Launch the Files app

You should find your certificate file in the Recents folder

Click the certificate file

Navigate to Settings > General > Profiles

Click Identity Certificate

Click Install

Click Install again

Click Install again

You will be prompted to enter the certificate password:

Enter the password

Click Next

Click Done

The certificate is installed successfuly

Click the certificate to double check its details

Navigate to the web page where you can download your SSL certificate

For instance, sign in to your DualShield Service Console, find the DeviceCert token, click "Download Certificate" from its context menu:

The certificate will be downloaded and saved in the Downloads folder 

In the Browser's main menu. select "Downloads"

You should find your certificate in the folder

Click on the certificate

You can change the Certificate Name

Click OK

You will be asked to enter the password of the certificate

Enter the password

Click OK

Your certificate is installed successfully.

If you want to check the certificate store on your Android phone, then navigate to "Settings"

Search for "Encryption & Credentials"

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