- Created by Jeffery Birks on Oct 10, 2023
The purpose of this task is to free up licenses consumed by externally disabled user accounts, i.e. user accounts that are disabled in the Active Directory.
The task can be found by navigating to the task, then scrolling down to the task "Release licenses from disabled accounts";
Task Parameters
The task parameters are used by the task script to determine which tokens are to be deleted and are edited by left clicking on the context menu of the task and selecting "Parameters";
A new window titled "Task Parameters" will now open that lists the parameters making them available for editing, and the default parameters for this task are as follows;
If provided, this property will specify the Domain for which users within this domain will receive PIN notification.
If provided, this property will specify the Unit for which users within this domain will receive PIN notification.
If provided, this property will specify the Group for which users within this domain will receive PIN notification.
The parameters may then be editing by selecting one of the parameters, then clicking on the button.
- Before tasks are scheduled (or run manually), we should provide the task parameters that are used during processing of the task script.
To access the task parameters left click on the context menu of the task then select "Parameters";
A new window titled "Task Parameters" will now open that lists the parameters that have been created for this task (see example below);
Specify the domain that assigned users of the tokens must be members of if the tokens are to be deleted by the task.
Specifies the Product Code of the tokens to be deleted.
Specifies if only inactive tokens are to be deleted when the task is run.
In the top right hand corner of this window are the buttons that all viewing, editing and deletion of task parameters;
To edit one of the listed parameters first select the parameter to be edited then click on the
A new window will now open that will allow you to edit the parameter (example below);
In most cases the only value that should be changed is the "Default Value" setting.
If the default value is updated, and the
button is pressed, then this new value will be used by the task script next time the task is run.
Editing and Scheduling the Task
Viewing and Editing the task
The task can be edited by left clicking on the context menu of the task and selecting "Edit";
A new window will not open titled "Task - Edit";
Enter the name to be assigned to the task within the management console.
Enter a description of what the task will do.
The version number of the task.
This field is used to specify when the task is scheduled to execute.
This field will determine if the task schedule is enabled (if enabled the task will execute at the scheduled time).
Specifies how many times the task should be repeated after the task is executed.
import com.deepnet.das.exception.DasParameterErrorException
import com.deepnet.das.user.User
import com.deepnet.das.user.LdapUser
import com.deepnet.das.domain.*
import java.util.Date
import com.deepnet.das.util.*
import com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.*
import com.deepnet.das.identitysource.*
import com.deepnet.das.token.TokenAssignment
def result, failed = false
def errMsg = ""
def list = getDomains(domainName)
int count = 0;
int total = 0;
def content = ""
def f = createDIRAndFile()
f.append('"Name", "Login name", "Domain name"\r\n')
for (def domain : list) {
try {
Iterator itr = createIteratorForDisabledUser(domain, unitName, groupName)
onProgress(0, "Preparing...")
def usersToQuery = new ArrayList(100)
def idsToUpdate = new ArrayList(100)
while (itr.hasNext()) {
def user = itr.next()
usersToQuery << user
// query usres in 100 per batch
def users = batchQueryUsers(usersToQuery)
count += users.size()
outputToCSV(users, f)
LdapUser.executeUpdate("update LdapUser user set user.status='DISABLED' where user.userID in :list and user.domain.id=:domainId", [list:idsToUpdate, domainId:domain.id])
LdapUser.withSession { it.clear() }
//println("Users updated: " + count + "/" + total)
onProgress(count, "Users updated: " + count + "/" + total)
// query left over users
def users = batchQueryUsers(usersToQuery)
count += users.size()
outputToCSV(users, f)
// update left over users
LdapUser.executeUpdate("update LdapUser user set user.status='DISABLED' where user.userID in :list and user.domain.id=:domainId", [list:idsToUpdate, domainId:domain.id])
LdapUser.withSession { it.clear() }
} catch(Exception e) {
errMsg += e.message + ", "
def msg = "Disabled: " + count + '/' + total + " users. "
if (errMsg)
msg += "Errors: ${errMsg}"
def outputToCSV(def users, def f){
//println 'updated: ' + it.status + ' ' + it.dn + ' ' + it.fullName
f.append("\"${it.fullName}\", \"${it.loginName}\", \"${it.domain.name}\"\r\n")
def batchQueryUsers(def usersToQuery){
def idsNotDisabled = LdapUser.executeQuery("select userID from LdapUser user where user.userID in :list and user.status != 'DISABLED'", [list:usersToQuery*.userID])
return idsNotDisabled ? usersToQuery.findAll{ it.userID in idsNotDisabled } : []
def batchQueryUsersWithSideEffect(def usersToQuery, def idsToUpdate, def count, def f){
def idsNotDisabled = LdapUser.executeQuery("select userID from LdapUser user where user.userID in :list and user.status != 'DISABLED'", [list:usersToQuery*.userID])
if(idsNotDisabled.size() > 0){
count += idsNotDisabled.size()
usersToQuery.findAll{ it.userID in idsNotDisabled }.each{
//println 'updated: ' + it.status + ' ' + it.dn
f.append("\"${it.fullName}\", \"${it.loginName}\", \"${it.domain.name}\"\r\n")
def getDomains(def domainName) {
def list = Domain.list().findAll{it.identitySource.type == IdentitySourceType.LDAP }
if (domainName && list) {
list = list.findAll {
it.name == domainName
return list
def createDIRAndFile() {
def exportFolder = ConfigLoader.getProperty('dual/export/directory')
def sep = System.getProperty('file.separator')
def catalinaBase = System.properties.getProperty('catalina.base')
exportFolder = catalinaBase.substring(0, catalinaBase.lastIndexOf(sep)) + sep + 'export'
def dir = new File(exportFolder)
return new File(exportFolder + sep + "Disabled-Users-" + new Date().format( 'ddMMyy-HHmmss' ).toString() + ".csv")
Iterator createIteratorForDisabledUser(def domain, def unitName = null, def groupName = null) {
def ids = domain.identitySource
return ids.queryLdapUsersLiterally(getBaseDN(ids, unitName), searchLdap(ids, groupName), domain, null, false, 100)
Filter searchLdap(def ids, def groupName = null) {
def list = []
Filter f1 = Filter.createExtensibleMatchFilter("userAccountControl", "1.2.840.113556.1.4.803", false, "2")
list << f1
if (groupName) {
Filter f2 = Filter.createExtensibleMatchFilter(ids.memberOfAttribute, "1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941", false, getGroupBaseDN(ids, groupName))
list << f2
return Filter.createANDFilter(list)
def getGroupBaseDN(def ids, def groupName) {
if (!groupName) return null
def match = [["name", "=", groupName]]
def ele = ids.queryGroups(match, null)
if (!ele || !ele.rows) return null
if (ele.rows.size() > 1)
throw new DasParameterErrorException("Multiple groups found")
return ele.rows[0].dn
def getBaseDN(def ids, def unitName) {
if (!unitName) return null
def match = [["name", "=", unitName]]
def ele = ids.queryOUs("", match, false, [:])
if (!ele || !ele.rows) return null
if (ele.rows.size() > 1)
throw new DasParameterErrorException("Multiple units found")
return ele.rows[0].dn
Scheduling the Task
Select the "Enable Schedule" checkbox to ensure the task schedule is activated, then use the pencil icon ("") to specify the time and frequency settings for automated task execution.
- Tasks can be scheduled for automatic execution by selecting the "Schedule Enable" option then clicking on the
When the
is pressed a window will open titled "Schedule" that can be used to specify the when the report is scheduled to run;
As an example, we can schedule the report to run at 1am every weekday using the following settings;
After clicking on
the schedule details will be converted into text form and added against the report parameter "Schedule";
Manual Task Execution
The task can be run manually from the management console by left click on the context menu of the task, then selecting "Run";
A new window will open titled "Run Task" will then open (the window will be populated with the default task property values);
Provide a brief description that will be used to describe the purpose of the task in the audit logs that should be retained in the database after the purge has been performed.
This property will specify the Domain for which users within this domain will receive PIN notification.
This property will specify the Unit for which users within this domain will receive PIN notification.
This property will specify the Group for which users within this domain will receive PIN notification.
To execute the task click the button.
- Tasks can be run manually from the management console by left click on the context menu of the task, then selecting "Run";
A new window will open titled "Execute Task" will then open (the window will be populated with the default task property values for this task (example below);
Provide a brief description that will be used to describe the purpose of the task in the audit log.
Specify the domain that assigned users of the tokens must be members of if the tokens are to be deleted by the task.
If specified, this property will restrict token deletion to tokens that are assigned to users who are members of the selected Unit.
If supplied this parameter specifies that only tokens with the specified Product will be deleted.
Specifies if only inactive tokens are to be deleted when the task is run.
Before manually running the task the system administrator has the opportunity to temporarily replace these default values (the default values will return to their original state after the task has run).
When you have finished supplying the property settings, the task can be manually run by clicking on the
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