The task "Export token Assignments by Domain", is a task script that allows the export of a CSV file containing all of all token assignments for a specified Domain of a specified product type.
Exporting token Assignments by Domain
In order to export token assignments for a specified product and domain you will first need to navigate to "Administration | Tasks", left click of the context menu for the task "Export Token Assignments by Domain", and selecting the context menu option "Run";
A new window titled "Execute Task" will now open.
- At the prompt "Description", you may optionally provide a description of what tokens are about to be exported.
- At the prompt "Domain", specify the domain to be searched for tokens assignments.
- At the prompt "Product Code", specify the product code of token assignments to be exported (in this example we select "ST" for SafeID Time based tokens);
You can select the product code from the following list of codes;
Code | Product |
AC | Access Card |
ASDID | ActiveSync DeviceID |
CK | CryptKey |
DP | DevicePass |
FS | Face Sense |
FT | FailThru |
U2F | FIDO U2F |
FP | FlashPass |
GV | GridGo |
GP | GridID |
SE | SafeID/Event Based |
ST | SafeID/Time Based |
MT | MobileD/Time Based |
GT | GoogleAuthenticator/Time Based |
GE | GoogleAuthenticator/Event Based |
PC | Proximity Card |
SID | RSA/SecurID |
TP | T-Pass |
TF | TypeSense/FreeText |
TS | TypeSense/Password |
DIGIPASS | Vasco/DigiPass |
VS | VoiceSense |
YK | YubiKey |
If you want to include details of the token PIN details, then you will need to tick the checkbox "Include Token PIN:".
Once the parameters have been entered we start the task by clicking on , and we will be notified that the task assignments have been exported;
A subfolder of the DualShield installation folder (named "\export") will now contain a CSV file called "assignment", that will contain the details from our exported token assignments;
The extracted token assignments CSV file will contain details that specify which users the tokens were assigned to;