Submit a SSO Case

To set up a 3rd-party SSO Identity Provider in, you need to ask's help desk to set it up for you. Click the link below to submit a case to

Box SSO Questionnaire

In Who is your Identity Provider? select "Other with Metadata"

The form will then expand

In "Metadata", click "Choose file" button and upload the DualShield's IdP metadata that you downloaded in the previous section.

In SAML Attribute: User's email: enter "email"

Finally, click "Submit" to submit the case to

Now, you can only wait for the to set up the SSO for you. Typically, it can take 1 - 2 weeks.

Enable SSO test mode

Once you have received a confirmation email from that they have set up the SSO for you, then login into the admin console, navigate to "Admin Console > Enterprise Settings > User Settings"

In the "Configure Single Sign On (SSO)" section, enable the option "SSO test mode"

Now, you are ready to test out SSO

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