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mysql > LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'FILE-PATH-TO\\\\dbip-city-lite-####-##.csv' INTO TABLE ip2location_db3 FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ENCLOSED BY '"' LINES TERMINATED BY '\rn' IGNORE 1 ROWS (@ip_from,@ip_to,@continent_code,country_code,region_name,city_name,latitude,longitude) SET country_name = (SELECT country_name from country_list where ip2location_db3.country_code = country_list.country_code), ip_to from= INET_ATON(@ip_tofrom), ip_fromto=INET_ATON(@ip_fromto); |
* replace "FILE-PATH-TO" with the actual file path where the downloaded file has been saved and the '#' with the year and month that appends the file name.
Please note that it can take about 30 a. few minutes minutes to import the data.
6 - You can check the table has been uploaded properly by selecting the first few rows..
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mysql > select * from ip2location_db3 Limit 100; |