A customer has a preference import a Geo Location database from another supplier other than IP2Location
The table the customer wishes to import is from
This is fine to do however they do not include the country name in their csv file, plus they have an extra column called 'Continent_code' that is not included in the 'lp2loaction_db3' table that is already created on the dualshield database.
Therefore extra steps are to create a separate table to import a list of country codes, which we later load into ip2location_db3 table as we upload the data from the CSV file provided by
The other requirement is that the ip address in the csv will need to be converted to integer format to match the datatype already specified on the ip2location_db3 table.
The customer would have already obtained the relevant csv file from and save locally to your DualShield Server.
Please download the Country Code List.csv by clicking here.
If your DualShield is using a MySQL database, follow the steps below. (Please note, this can also be done on SQL console on DualShield Admin Console)
1 - Log into MySQL console
2 - Change to "DualShield" database:
mysql > use DualShield;
3 - Create a new Table called "country_list"
mysql > CREATE TABLE country_list( country_code VARCHAR(255), country_name VARCHAR(255) );
4 - Upload the Country Code List.csv into the new "country_list" table
mysql > LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'C:\\Geo-Location\\Country Code List.csv' INTO TABLE country_list FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ENCLOSED BY '"' LINES TERMINATED BY '\r\n' IGNORE 0 LINES (country_code, country_name);
5 - Execute the script below to import the database
mysql > LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'FILE-PATH-TO\\dbip-city-lite-####-##.csv' INTO TABLE ip2location_db3 FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ENCLOSED BY '"' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n' IGNORE 1 ROWS (@ip_from,@ip_to,@continent_code,country_code,region_name,city_name,latitude,longitude) SET country_name = (SELECT country_name from country_list where ip2location_db3.country_code = country_list.country_code), ip_from=INET_ATON(@ip_from), ip_to=INET_ATON(@ip_to);
* replace "FILE-PATH-TO" with the actual file path where the downloaded file has been saved and the '#' with the year and month that appends the file name.
Please note that it can take a. few minutes minutes to import the data.
6 - You can check the table has been uploaded properly by selecting the first few rows..
mysql > select * from ip2location_db3 Limit 100;