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The DualShield Platform includes a self-service console (DSC) and several self-service portals, as listed below: 

DualShield Service ConsoleDSC8076https://fqdn:8076/dsc
DualShield Reset Password Service PortalDRP8076https://fqdn:8076/drp
DualShield Unlock Account Service PortalDUA8076https://fqdn:8076/dua
DualShield Emergency Access Service PortalDEA8076https://fqdn:8076/dea

By default, all those self-service consoles and portals operate on HTTP port 8076.


Table of Contents

Step 1: Install a DualShield frontend server

Follow the guide below to install a DualShield Frontend Server


(Although you only need the "Service Console" on the frontend server,  the installer was designed so that you must select the "SSO Server" as well)

Step 2: Change port 8076 to 443

After the installation of the frontend server, you need to change the port 8076 to 443 by editing the server.xml file.


Save the server.xml file, and restart the Dualshield Service.

Step 3: Change the "SSO Server" of the Frontend Service Provider

In this setup, we cannot give port 443 to the frontend SSO portal. Therefore, the frontend SSO portal is operating on the default port 8076.


Change the "SSO Server" option from "FrontMFA-SingleSignOn" to "Single Sign-on Server"

Step 4: Change the "Metadata" of the Frontend Service Provider

Now, click the "EDIT METADATA" button
