This document describes how to use Yubikey with the Deepnet DualShield Authentication Platform.

Yubikey can be configured to support OATH/HOTP in two options:

  • 6 digits
  • 8 digits

This document assumes that you are using Yubikey in 8 digits.

Step 1 

  1. Insert your Yubikey into your PC
  2. Launch Yubikey Personalization Tool

  3. Select the following options:

    - Select "Configuration Slot 1"
    - Deselect "OATH Token Identifier
    - Select "8 Digits" in the "HOTP Length" field

  4. Press "Generate
  5. Press "Write Configuration" and specify the file path.
  6. The Yubikey Tool will write to the configuration file with data similar to:

    LOGGING START,29/10/2015 11:03
    OATH-HOTP,29/10/2015 11:03,1,,,f55fbebc24b2931889e9d7f26d37fe3d6d792e90,,,0,0,0,8,0,0,0,0,0,0

    In which, the first column is token seed data, i.e.f55fbebc24b2931889e9d7f26d37fe3d6d792e90

  7. Make note of the Yubikey token serial number, i.e. 4019630

Step 2

You need to create a DualShield compatible seed file for your Yubikey. Below is the template:

<seed>f55fbebc24b2931889e9d7f26d37fe3d6d792e90 </seed>

Step 3

You will need to create a new authentication product for Yubikey in DualShield.

  1. Log into your DualShield Management Console
  2. Select "Authentication | Products" from the main menu
  3. Click "Create" on the toolbar
  4. Complete the production creation page as below (assuming that you will configure your Yubikey to support OATH/HOTP with 8-digit display.

  5. Click "Save" button

Step 4

You can now import your token seed file.

  1. Select "Repository | Token Management"
  2. Click "Import" on the toolbar
  3. Select the repository where you want to keep your tokens, and the seed file
  4. Click "Import"

Once your tokens have been successfully imported, they will be listed in the repository.

You can now assign Yubikey tokens to your users.

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