If you want to make a quick test on SAML integration, then you can use a couple of SAML test websites, such as https://sptest.iamshowcase.com/

First, let's build an application called SAMLTEST in your DualShield server 

Follow the steps below:

Download SP Metadata from SPTEST

Visit https://sptest.iamshowcase.com/instructions#start

Right click "DOWNLOAD METADATA" and select "Save link as"

A file called "testsp_metadata.xml" will be downloaded and saved in your local drive

Create SP in DualShield

In your DualShield Admin Console, navigate to "SSO | Service Providers"

Click the "Create" button, and fill in the form as below:

Click the "Create Metadata" button

Open the file "testsp_metadata.xml" in a text editor, copy its context and paste it into the Metadata box below:

Click Save

Download IdP Metadata from DualShield

In the Admin Console, find the SSO server

Select "Download IdP MetaData" from its context menu. It will be saved in the local drive as "SSO Server.xml"

Upload IdP Metadata to SPTEST

Visit https://sptest.iamshowcase.com/instructions#start again

Scroll down to "Upload your metadata file"

Choose the IdP Metadata file, click "Submit File"


Test SAML Integration

Open a new browser tab, paste the URL copied from SPTEST

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