In Twilio console, navigate to "Explore Products"

Scroll down to the "Developers tools" section

Click on "TwiML Bins"

Click "Create new TwiML Bin"

Enter a Friendly Name, e.g. "DualShield Call"

Add the following text in the TWIML box

<Gather action="https://Your-Dualshield-FQDN:8074/sso/callback/twilio/voice" method="POST" >
<Say voice="alice" language="{{LANG}}" loop="2">{{MSG}}</Say>

Replace "Your-DualShield-FQDN" with the real FQDN of your DualShield, e.g

Click "CREATE"

Click "SAVE"

Now, click "phone numbers" in the box highlighted above

Scroll down to the Voice & Fax section

In the PRIMARY HANDLER FAILS drop list, select your TwiML Bin, e.g. DualShield Call

Click SAVE

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