This tutorial describes how to create a multi-master replication system using the DualSheld Assistant.

The example in this article will be based on 3 MySQL server machines as shown below:

As a prerequisite you need to make sure that DualShield assistant has access to to the MySQL database on every node you wish to replicate.

To check this launch DualShield Assistant on the node(s) you wish to replicate.  Go into the Replication menu and click on Monitoring Settings:


Under the 'MySQL Monitoring Account' section Enter the username and password that you can use to log in to your MySQL database:

Click on Test Connection.  If successful, click on Save.

The Cluster Management section is used to create/modify a MySQL replication cluster. It can be accessed by selecting the replication menu option and clicking on Management.


Opening the Replication Management page will present you with an overview of the current detected cluster. Note. The local MySQL service needs to be running for the cluster to be detected correctly.


To create or modify a replication cluster, start by clicking the Add Server button. You will be presented with a dialog to input the new server's IP address and connect to the DualShield Assistant instance on that server. Once connected, you will see a confirmation message and can then add the server into the management list.


The server will be added to the list of servers only temporarily. Next you need to click the Modify Cluster button. This will bring up a new dialog window where you can start the replication cluster modification process and monitor the status of the operation. Click the Execute Changes button to start the cluster setup operation.


Click the Execute Changes button to start the process. Once started, the servers will first be checked to make sure if DualShield is not running and MySQL is. If not, you will be alerted.

One of the common errors is that the DualShield server is still running:


Some times, you may encounter the error below:

Authentication to host '' for user 'root' using method 'mysql_native_password' failed with message: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' 

To fix it, login to the computer it refers, e.g. in the above example, run DualShield Assistant, and go to Replication -  Monitoring Settings

Enter the username and password of the MySQL root account, click Test Connection  and Save. (Test Connection may not showing any result on the screen).

Then, go back to the primary server machine and try to Exceute Changes again.

If the server check is successful, the replication operation will continue on and you can monitor the current progress in the Replication Cluster Setup dialog. MySQL needs to be restarted a few times during the procedure and the entire process can take anywhere from 1-5 minutes depending on the performance of the servers.


If any errors are encountered during the procedure, the process will halt and not continue. In this situation, the error and which server it occurred on will be displayed on the Replication Cluster Setup dialog. Additional Information can be found in the DualShield Assistant Log.txt file located in the root of the install directory (default: Program Files\Deepnet Security\DualShield Assistant). If successful, you will see the message "Cluster Setup Successful!".


If you head back to the monitoring home page, you will see the cluster monitoring diagram change to reflect the new configuration.


It is recommend you start each DualShield server on at time, waiting for full start up to finish in between servers.

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