The DualShield 6.x Platform includes a certificate service that supports Let's Encrypt.

If are installing a new frontend DualShield 6.x server, then you must select the "Certificate Server" component in the installation process:

If you are upgrading an old DualShield 5.x server to the latest DualShield 6.x server, then you must select the "Certificate Server" component in the upgrading process:

To check if the certificate server is in operation or not, navigate to "http://localhost/cert/hello"

Port 443

DualShield 6.8+ uses port 443 to apply a new certificate from Let's Encrypt, and it also uses port 443 to renew an existing Let's Encrypt certificate. A Let's Encrypt certificate is valid for 90 days, therefore DualShield will attempt to automatically renew a Let's Encrypt certificate days before it expires.

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