This section describes important tasks to perform or issues to consider before upgrading DualShield 5 server software to DualShield 6.

System Requirements

DualShield 6 server requires more memory to run. At the minimum, it requires 2GB of RAM. Please make sure that the server machine has sufficient RAM available for DualShield.

Check ""

In Windows Explorer, navigate to the installation folder on your DualShield server.

By default, it is located at: "C:\Program Files\Deepnet DualShield\config"

Open the file called "" in a text editor, such as Notepad or Notepad++ in administrator mode.

Find the line of text: "management_protocol=https", as shown below:

If this line of text reads as "management_protocol=httpss" or "management_protocol=httpsss" in your file, then you MUST change it to "management_protocol=https", and save the file.

Check "server.xml"

In Windows Explorer, navigate to the installation folder of your DualShield server.

By default, it is located at: "C:\Program Files\Deepnet DualShield\tomcat\conf"

Open the file called "server.xml" in a text editor, such as Notepad or Notepad++ in administrator mode.

Search for "dual/dps/url"

If the line of text include "value=httpss://" or "value=httpsss://", as shown below

then you must change "httpss:" or "httpsss:" to "https", and save the file.

SSO Customisation

If you have make some cosmetic customization to your DualShield SSO logon UI, then your customizations will be lost in the upgrade process. DualShield 6 has a new SSO server which can be customized more easily and its customization will be retained in the future upgrades. However, if you prefer to continue using the legacy SSO server after upgrading, then you must backup your customization files prior to upgrading, then restore them after upgrading.

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