Before you can continue, you must firstly install your license key.

Select “Configuration | License”, then click “Import” button:

Enter your license key, then click “Save” button. 

If the server has the Internet connection, then your license key will be installed automatically. 

If the server has no Internet connection, you will see a window similar to the following poping up on the screen:

Copy out the "Installation Code" from the above window, and leave the screen on. 

Then, find a machine that has the Internet connection, enter the URL below in your browser:

You will get the screen below:

Enter the "Installation Code" that you copied out from the Management Console, and your email address.

Click "Submit",  and you will shortly receive your license data in your email box.

Go back to the Management Console:

Enter the license data that you just received, and click “Save” button to save it.

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