To import a license key into a DualShield Server, in the admin console navigate to "Configuration | Licenses",

then click the "Import" button on the toolbar

Enter the license key to import

then click the "Save" button.

If the DualShield server machine has an Internet connection, then the license data will be automatically downloaded from the DualShield Licensing Server and saved into the DualShield server.

However, if the DualShield server machine has no Internet connection, then it will take a few more steps.

If the DualShield server machine has no Internet connection, then you will get the error message below:




Click the "Close" button to dismiss it. Then you will see:

From a PC that has Internet connection, visit the URL below:

Copy the "License Installation Code" from the admin console and paste it into the licensing portal.

You also need to enter your business email address in order to receive the License Data.

Click the "Submit" button

You will shortly the License Data in your email box

Select the License Data (as shown above) in the email, copy it and paste it into the "License Data" box in the admin console:

Click "Save" to complete it.

Once a license key has been successfully imported, you will actually get 2 licenses listed. One for Authentication and the other for Password Reset.

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