The task "Export tokens & assignments", is a task script that needs to be downloaded and imported into DualShield before use, and allows the user to export token assignments for a specified product.
Downloading and Importing the export tokens task scripts
The following instructions explain how to download the tasks that allow exporting of token assignments;
Exporting token Assignments
Once the task have been downloaded and imported, they may be used to export task assignment details.
As an example of how these tasks are used will will export all token assignments for a specified domain by left clicking on the context menu for the task "Export Token Assignments by Domain", and selecting the context menu option "Run";
A new window titled "Execute Task" will now open.
At the prompt "Domain", select your required external directory, and at the prompt specify the product code of token assignments to be exported (for this example we select "ST" for SafeID time based tokens);
Once the parameters have been entered we start the task by clicking on , and we will be notified that the task assignments have been exported;
A subfolder of the DualShield installation folder will now contain a CSV file called "assignment" which will contain our exported token assignment details;