OptionValue  or SelectionRemark
Token ProvisioningProvision tokens automatically

When a user attempts to logon with Face Recognition, DualShield server will automatically create a FaceSense token in the user's account if the user does not ywt have a FaceSense token

Do nothing
Token Activation

Automatically activate then token when created or assignedWhen a FaceSense token is created for the user or assigned to the user, DualShield server will automatically activate the token.
Send activation code to the user when created or asisgnedWhen a FaceSense token is created for the user or assigned to the user, DualShield server will not activate the token. Instead, it will send an activation code to the user.
Do nothingWhen a FaceSense token is created for the user or assigned to the user, the token will not be activated, and the activation code will not be sent either. 

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