A DualShield server must be given a unique Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) which is provided in the installation process.

The DualShield server includes several web consoles, including

  • Admin Console
  • User Console
  • Single Sign-On Console (mainly used for SAML SSSO)
  • Deployment Console (for device and tokens)

DualShield consoles are all web-based portals that can be accessed with a web browser. The FQDN is the web address of the DualShield consoles. 

If the DualShield server is a backend server located in the internal network and to be accessed from internal PCs and workstations, then the DualShield's FQDN must be added into the internal DNS server.

If the DualShield server is a frontend server located in the DMZ and to be accessed from external PCs and workstations, then the DualShield's FQDN must be added into the external DNS server.

If the DualShield server is an all-in-one server that is accessed from both internal & external PCs and workstations, then its FQDN must be added into both the internal & external DNS servers. 

If you do not plan to make your DualShield MFA server consoles accessible from the public network, then the FQDN can be an internal domain name. However, if you do plan to make one or some of your Dualshield server consoles accessible from the public network, then the FQDN must be an external domain name.

Note: You can change the FQDN after the installation of the DualShield MFA server.

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