In a system where OWA is secured by DualShield MFA via WS-Federation, after the user has been successfully verified by DualShield SSO, the browser shows error "Something wen wrong" with "WrongAudienceUriOrBadSigningCert" in the URL


This error “WrongAudienceUriOrBadSigningCert” is typically caused 2 mistakes:

  1. An incorrect IdP signing certificate 
  2. An incorrect Exchange FQDN – the FQDN used in the PS script MUST be the same as the FQDN that you use to visit your OWA pages


This error “WrongAudienceUriOrBadSigningCert” is typically caused 2 things

1 - You must download the correct DualShield IdP certificate, and use it in the setup as the "idpCertFile"

2 - The FQDN provided as the "ExchangeFQDN" in the setup MUST be the same as the FQDN that you use to visit your OWA pages

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