When a user attempts to log in to a service that is enabled with DeviceID authentication, after the user has been verified, the ID of the device will be automatically registered by the authentication server and put into quarantine.

Set up alert for DeviceID registration 


You can set up an alert service so that when a new device is registered a message is sent out to the system administrators, the support team, and/or the user.

If the alert "DeviceID Registration" is enabled, then the alert will be triggered if the conditions details in the alert parameter "Conditions" are met (this will happen when the system has detected that a new device has been registered) during the sign-in process.

The alert can be found by navigating to "Administration | Alerts", then scrolling down to the alert "DeviceID Registration";

Editing the Alert

The alert can be edited by left clicking on the context menu of the alert and selecting "Edit";

A new window will now open titled "Alert - Edit";

This checkbox is ticked if the alert is to be enabled.

Enter the name to be assigned to the alert within the management console.

Enter a description of what the alert will do.

When the alert is triggered, and when a message is sent, this property will specify who was the sender of the notification.

This section allows you to specify which users are to be sent the notifications.

This section allows you to send notifications to all users that are members of the specified group.

If this checkbox is ticked then a copy of the notification is also emailed to the user that was the subject of the logged event.

We can use the condition builder (via the pencil icon "") to specify what conditions determine if a carbon copy is sent.

If this checkbox is ticked then the alert will send a message using the specified delivery channel.

The "Email" and "SMS" checkboxes can be used to specify which of these two delivery channels are available for use for notification sending.

Additional recipients of the notification may be added here.

Email priority settings can be set either to "High", "Normal" or "Low".

The supplied message subject will be added to the subject header of the notification messages sent to the users.

We use this parameter to specify what message is sent as a notification when the alert is triggered, and may include the following wildcards;

  • [[loginName]] : User's login name
  • [[domainName]] : Domain's name
  • [[applicationName]] : The name of the application
  • [[tokenSerial]] : Token's name
  • [[agentName]] : Agent's name
  • [[serverName]] : The name of the DualShield server
  • [[clientIp]] : The IP address of the requesting client
  • [[logDate]] : The time when this event happened
  • [[eventCode]] : The code of the event

This flag is used to indicate if tasks are to be run when the alert is triggered.

We use this field to specify which tasks are run when the alert is triggered.

The alert is disabled by default, but can be enabled by ticking the checkbox "Enabled";

Specifying Alert Recipients

When the alert is triggered you have the option to send a message to specified recipients using the "Recipient Users" and "Recipient Groups" parameters.

  • You can specify who the alert notifications are sent to by supplying either Recipient Users, Recipient Groups, or both.

    The buttons and can be used to add users or groups t the list of recipients for the alert notifications;

    After clicking on a window titled "Add User" will open;

    At the "Domain" prompt specify the domain of the user, then at the "User" prompt type in the users' name then click , and the specified user will be added to the list of recipients that the notification will be sent to;

    The same process can be used with groups to send the notification to all members of the selected group (or groups).

    You might want to tick "Send a carbon copy to the initiating user" if you want the user to be notified as well. 

    Finally, click "Save" to save this new alert

Using the "Condition Builder" tool to determine when the alert is triggered

The "DeviceID Registration" alert is triggered whenever a new device is registered, but you might not always want notifications to be sent to your specified users every time this event occurs.

The "Conditions" parameter is to provide a mechanism by which additional restrictions can be checked prior to send the alert notification.

To edit the conditions that determine when the alert is trigged click on the pencil icon () causing a window titled "Condition Builder" to open;

  • It is possible to add additional conditions that will need to be satisfied before the alert is triggered by using the condition builder tool (the tool is accessed by clicking on the icon).

    After the icon is pressed a new window titled "Condition Builder" will open;

    When the condition builder is first opened it will display the condition that must be met before the alert is triggered. 

    The example above is the condition required to trigger the "LDAP connection lost" alert, but all alerts will have their own trigger conditions, and these conditions can be edited, and expanded upon, using the condition builder.

    Conditions are added to this list using the button, and it is possible to use the logic operators ("and" and "or") to specify if all the conditions are required, or if some are optional.

    When all the required conditions have been added we submit the conditions using the button, and once applied the condition builder will close, and the "Conditions" parameter will be updated;

Sending Notifications

Provided the alert is enabled, the send message is selected, and one or both delivery channels have been enabled, then when a alert is triggered, message notifications will be sent to the selected users (or groups of users)

The default message sent for this alert is as follows;


Hi, administrator,

    A user has just registered a DeviceID below that is waiting for approval.
        Domain Name: [[domainName]]
        LoginName: [[loginName]]
        Token Name: [[tokenName]]
        Token Serial Number: [[tokenSerial]]


  • When the alert is triggered, notifications can be sent to the specified user via email or SMS.

    In order to send notifications you will first need to tick the "Send Message" box;

    Once messages are enabled you will need to specify which (or both) of the available delivery channels can be used to send the notifications;

    After selecting the delivery channel you can the add additional recipients, specify the message priority and subject, and possibly customise the message sent.

    The default message includes wildcards ((separated by "[[" and "]]", and additional wildcards may be used from the following list;

    • [[loginName]] : User's login name
    • [[domainName]] : Domain's name
    • [[applicationName]] : The name of the application
    • [[tokenSerial]] : Token's name
    • [[agentName]] : Agent's name
    • [[serverName]] : The name of the DualShield server
    • [[clientIp]] : The IP address of the requesting client
    • [[logDate]] : The time when this event happened
    • [[eventCode]] : The code of the event

Adding task execution to the alert

After the alert is triggered you have the additional option to cause one of the existing tasks to be run.

To add task execution to the alert you need to first tick the checkbox prompted "Execute Task", then select what task (or tasks) are to be executed using theicon;

Activate Device 

Users can activate their devices by using a web console or mobile app

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