This feature is available in DualShield v6.8 or later

Devices can be manually enrolled by the administrators using the Admin Console. 

In the Admin Console, find the user account

In the DualShield Admin Console, navigate to "Directory | Users

In the Domain list, select the domain that you want to work on, e.g.

If you click the "Search" button, it will list all users in the entire directory up to the query limit.

To narrow down your search, click the "Filter" button

Enter the user's login name, e.g. 2FA, then click the "Search" button (You can change the search filter or add more filters)

Open the user's token management panel by selecting "Tokens" from the user's context menu

Click the CREATE button on the toolbar in the token management panel

Enter the details of the mobile device to be enrolled

The most important property to be entered correctly & precisely is the "Device ID". 

Click the "SAVE" button

Click the context menu of the newly created DeviceID token, and select "Activate" to activate the token ownership

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