Sign in to the Power Apps console. Navigate to "Apps" and select the app to be configured, e.g. "test"

Click "Settings" to configure the settings of the selected app.

Click "Authentication Settings"

Then, click "Add Provider"

Select login providerchoose "Other"
Protocolchoose "SAML 2.0"
Provider nameenter the name to describe the provider, such as "Deepnet DualShield"

Click "Next"

Metadata addressEnter the metadata URL of your DualShield SSO server, e.g. https://your-dualshield-sso-fqdn:8074/sso/saml2metadata
Authentication typeEnter the same as above
Service provider realm(generated automatically, do not change)
Assertion consumer service URL(generated automatically, do not change)

Click "Confirm"

Click "Close"

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