This guide describes how to add the Dualshield SSO as a SAML Claims Provider in the ADFS server.

Launch the ADFS Management console

Right click on "Trust Relationships", and then select "Add Claims Provider Trust”

This will initiate the Add Claims Provider Trust Wizard.

In the wizard, click through the welcome page to the "Select Data Source" page

DualShield publishes its metadata to a standard URL (https://your-dualshield-fqdn:8074/sso/saml2metadata).If this URL is accessible from the ADFS server, then select the option "Import data about the claims provider published online or on a local network". Otherwise, select "Import data about the claims provider from a file"

Depending on how the SAML Service Provider imports IdP metadata, there are 3 ways that you can acquire the IdP metadata from the DualShield server.

Download metadata by URL

The IdP metadata of the DualShield SSO server can be downloaded from the URL below:

Replace "your-dualshield-fqdn" with the fully qualified domain name of your DualShield server, e.g.

Download metadata from the Admin Console

In the Admin Console, find the SSO server

Select "Download IdP MetaData" from its context menu. It will be saved in the local drive as "SSO Server.xml"

Download metadata by copy and paste

In the Admin Console, find the SSO server

Select "View" from its context menu

Click "Display Metadata"

Click “Next” to continue.

Change the display name to whatever you like, e.g "DualShield"

Click “Next” to continue until the "Finish" page

Click "Close" to finish.

Right click on the newly created claims provider, e.g. "DualShield" 

Select "Properties"

Select the "Advanced" tab

In "Secure hash algorithm". select SHA-1

Click OK.

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