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 Run the DualShield Framework Upgrade file, DualShieldFrameworkUpgrade-x.x.x.yyyy, as Admin

Select Number '1' for the DualShield Authentication Server:

Close any opened files under the DualShield Installation folder:

You will be asked if you want to upgrade Tomcat.  Press 'y' or 'n':

You will then be asked if you want to upgrade MySQL*.  Press 'y' or 'n':

*Mysql option will only appear if the customer is running the integrated MySQL server.

You will then be asked if you want to upgrade Java.  Press 'y' or 'n':

Let it run. This may take some time. Do not stop it.

Once completed, the Task manager will pop up automatically...

You can then check when the Tomcat service is back up and running fully.

Press any key to exit 

Click close on the installation wizard:

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