DualShield supports a variety of security tokens and keys as the second authentication factor, which include SMS code, OTP token, FIDO key, Smart card, Face recognition etc. 

To get started, app-based OTP token, aka software OTP token is probably the easiest option. For OTP token app, DualShield provides its own OTP app called Deepnet MobileID. DualShield also supports 3rd-party OTP apps such as Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator etc, which are basically the same as Deepnet MobileID in term of functionality. However, Deepnet MobileID is probably the best in terms of flexibility and mobility. Deepnet MobileID can be installed on all mobile OS such as iPhone and Android, as well as desktop OS such as Windows, MacOS and Linux.

To setup a MobileID token, follow the steps below:

To create a token for a user, you need to navigate to the user's token management panel

To manage a user's tokens, first search for the user's account

In the DualShield Admin Console, navigate to "Directory | Users

In the Domain list, select the domain that you want to work on, e.g. DeepnetMFA.com

If you click the "Search" button, it will list all users in the entire directory up to the query limit.

To narrow down your search, click the "Filter" button

Enter the user's login name, e.g. 2FA, then click the "Search" button (You can change the search filter or add more filters)

Once you have found the user account, click on its context menu icon "..." to bring up the context menu:

Click "Tokens" from the context menu

Then, click the "CREATE" button on the toolbar 

In the token editor window, select the Product/Model of the token that you want to create or edit, e.g. MobileID/Time-Based

Fill in the token properties if necessary

Click the "Save" button.

In the "Product/Model" list, select "MobileID/Time-Based"

Typically, you do not need to fill in any box in the form.

The mobile number and email address are only used for sending the download link to the user, and they are retrieved from the user's AD account. You would only need to enter the user's mobile number or email address in this form if 

  • you want to send the token's download link to the user by text or email
  • the user's AD account does not have a mobile number or email address
  • the user wants to use an alternative mobile number or email address to receive the token's download link

Click the SAVE button to create a new MobileID token

There are 3 ways to get the QR code of a MobileID token

Locate the MobileID token in the user's account

To manage a user's tokens, first search for the user's account

In the DualShield Admin Console, navigate to "Directory | Users

In the Domain list, select the domain that you want to work on, e.g. DeepnetMFA.com

If you click the "Search" button, it will list all users in the entire directory up to the query limit.

To narrow down your search, click the "Filter" button

Enter the user's login name, e.g. 2FA, then click the "Search" button (You can change the search filter or add more filters)

Once you have found the user account, click on its context menu icon "..." to bring up the context menu:

Click "Tokens" from the context menu

Now, click the token's context menu icon "..." to bring up its context menu:

Select "Display QR Code

Login to the DualShield Service Console (DSC)

Find the MobileID token, click its context menu

Select "View QR Code" from its context menu

An OTP token's QR code can be sent to the user by email. This process is called "push token" to users. 

A token can be pushed to the user by the server automatically or pushed to the user manually by the administrator in the admin console. Either way, a message template called "Push Token" will be used to create the email message. Therefore, you must customize the Push Token message temple first if you want users to receive their token's QR code by email. 

Customize Push Token Message Template

The "Push Token" message template is used by the DualShield server when it sends users an email or SMS message that contains the user's OTP token information, such as the token's download link or the token's QR code etc.

You must customize the message template according to your requirements. 

SMTP Template

If you want the server to push OTP tokens to users by email, then you need to customize the SMTP Template

Navigate to Customization | Message Templates | Push Token | SMTP Templates

Typically, you would need to change the Sender, Subject, and Text field which is the body of the message.

There are 3 wildcards that you can use in the message body depending on your requirements


This wildcard represents the download link of the user's MobileID token. 

Use this wildcard if you want to send the token's download link to the user.

Please click the link below to download your token


If required, your authorization code: [[AUTHZCODE]]


This wildcard represents the QR code image of the user's OTP token. 

Use this wildcard if you want to send the token's QR code to the user.

Please scan the QR code below to install your token


If required, your authorization code: [[AUTHZCODE]]


Depending on the token's policy, installing an OTP token might require an authorization code.

This wildcard represents the authorization code of the user's token if it is required. 

You must select "HTML Format" if include the wirldcard [[QRCODE]] in the message text.

SMS Template

If you want the server to push OTP tokens to users by SMS message, then you need to customize the SMS Template

Navigate to Customization | Message Templates | Push Token | SMS Templates

Below is an example of the Push Token SMTP message template

Push Token Manually

The following procedure demonstrates how the system administrator can send the QR code to users by emails

Navigate to "Directory | Users", select the domain for your external directory, then for a selected user left click on the context menu and select "Tokens";

The token details for the selected user will now be show, left click on the context menu of the token to be pushed to the user then select the message channel to send the token (normally "By Email");

The QR code for the selected token will now be sent to the user by email.

End User Experience

Once the token has been sent to the user an email will arrive that includes the required QR code (example below);

Now, open the MobileID app on your smartphone


click the menu icon on the top-left corner


select Scan to start the QR code

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