
The purpose of the "Radius" report template is to allow the administrator to create reports that are based upon Radius logon activity events.

The report can be found by navigating to "Administration | Reports", then scrolling down to the report "Radius";

Creating a report using the "Radius" template

To create a report based on Radius logon activity you will need to use the context menu option "Create" for the report template "Radius" (highlighted template above).

  • To create a report, navigate to "Administration | Reports", then select the tab "Templates";

    Left click on the context menu of the report template you will base the report on, then select "Create Report";

    A new window titled "Report - New" will now open that can now be used to create the required report;

    Enter a name that will identify this report.  Whilst any name may be used that describes the purpose of the report it is suggested that somewhere in either the report name or the report description you include a reference to the name of the report template that this report is based upon. 

    This optional field can be used to describe what the report does, and this is also the natural place to refer to the report template that this report is based on.

    If no conditions are specified, then the report will list details for all tokens in the token repository.

    It is possible to filter which details are listed in the report by using the condition builder tool (the tool is accessed by clicking on the icon);

    We would use the condition builder to specify what details are to included in the report by providing the condition details that match our filter requirements.

    In the above example we will be searching for tokens in the specified domain of the product type "SafeID/Event-Based".

    When the conditions have been provided we submit them using the button.

    This field will determine if the report schedule is enabled (if enabled the task will execute at the scheduled time).

    This field is used to specify when the report is scheduled to execute using a tool that is launched using the icon;

    Specifies how many times the report should be rerun after the report has been executed.

    Once this report has been saved, the newly created report may later be edited by clicking on the "Reports" tab and using the "Edit" context menu options;

Using the "Condition Builder" tool to filter reported records

If no conditions are specified, then the report will list details all radius login activity, but additional conditions can be added that filter which records are included in the report.

Condition filters are added using the "Condition Builder" tool that is used to construct the Query Statement and is employed using the icon.

Filters may be applied based on any of the following fields;

  • It is possible to filter which details are listed in the report by using the condition builder tool (the tool is accessed by clicking on the icon).

    After the icon is pressed a new window titled "Condition Builder" will open;

    The report template would normally produce a report that provides details for all records that are produced by the query that the report is based on, but these records can be restricted by supplying optional conditions in the condition builder.

    The condition builder allows us to specify additional conditions that further restrict what records are included in the report.

    As an example, if we wanted to restrict the records added to our report for a specific product and domain we could add the following conditions;

    The above example was created with the "All Tokens" report template (searching for tokens in the specified domain of the product type "SafeID/Event-Based"), but each template will offer different options.

    Conditions are added to this list using the button, and it is possible to use the logic operators ("and" and "or") to specify if all the conditions are required, or if some are optional.

    When all the required conditions have been added we submit the conditions using the button, and once applied the condition builder will close, and the "Query Statement" parameter will be updated;

Report Scheduling

Whilst the report can be run manually from the management console, it is possible you might want to schedule the report to run a specific times automatically.

This can be achieved by use the report scheduling option;

  • Reports can be scheduled for automatic execution by selecting the "Schedule Enable" option then clicking on the icon;

    When the is pressed a window will open titled "Schedule" that can be used to specify the when the report is scheduled to run; 

    As an example, we can schedule the report to run at 1am every weekday using the following settings;

    After clicking on the schedule details will be converted into text form and added against the report parameter "Schedule"; 

Configuring Report Output 

The default layout and contents of the report can be customised using the button.

The purpose of the configuration feature is to specify which of the available field are to be listed in the report columns.

In the following table the items listed as included are listed in the report columns, whilst the optional items are not included in the report;





Login NameAgent
Error CodeApplication
Acct-Status-TypeFirst Name
Acct-Session-TimeLast Name
Acct-Input-PacketsEvent Code
NAS-IP-AddressAcct-Output Octets








  • Although the reports will include default data in the report columns, it is possible to change this default configuration using the button (found at the end of the report template).

    If this button is clicked a new window will open titled "Report - Output";

    This option allows you to determine the format of the output for the report (defaults to PDF format).

    This section will determine which of the available data fields are included in the reports output columns.

    This section can be used to determine the width (in characters) of for the data fields that may be included in the report.

    This section allows us to select which field the report will be sorted by (and if the sorting is ascending or descending);

    Page setup determines Title and Margin details for the report (as well as page numbering and overall page width).

    Report Format

    Report configuration starts by providing the option to select report format from the following options;;

    PDFPDF is a  "Portable Document Format" format that is used when you need to save files that cannot be modified but still need to be easily shared and printed.
    RTFRTF is a "Rich Text Format" format commonly used in windows documents that adds some basic formatting a text document.
    TextText format documents are suitable for simple text editors (such as notepad) that offer no special text formatting characters.
    HTMLHTML format is a text format suitable for use within a web page.


    XML format is a markup language designed to aid transport of data.
    CSVCSV format is a simple text file where the data is usually separated by commas.
    ODTODT format is an Open Document Text format created by applications such as open office.
    ODSODS format is an Open Document Spreadsheet format created by applications such as open office.
    XLSXLS format documents are used by Microsoft Excel worksheets.
    DOCXDOCX format documents are used by Microsoft Word.
    XLSXXLSX is a zipped version of an Microsoft Excel worksheet.
    PPTXRPTX files are usually imported into Spiceworks Reports.

    Output Columns

    After specifying which of the available fields are to be included in the report (each field that is selected by a tick will add a column to the report, with each column being headed by the name of the field).

    Column Width

    This section can be used to determine the width (in characters) of for the data fields are selected to be included in the report..

    Sort By

    This section allows us to select which field the report will be sorted by (and if the sorting is ascending or descending)

    Page Setup

    You can use the page setup options to customise the title and subtitle of the report together with various layout attributes (page size, margins, creation date etc).

Running and Exporting the Report

The newly created report will now be listed in the "Reports" tab (listed under the name that you gave your report, and should be at the end of the list).

  • To run your reports, first select the tab "Reports";

    Then click on the context menu of the report you want to run, then select "Run";

    The status of the running report can be inspected by selecting the "Results" tab;

    Initially the status will be set to "RUNNING" (as shown in the example above), but will eventually change to "COMPLETED (you can update the page status by clicking on the "" icon).

    Once the report has completed you may export the results by left clicking on the context menu of your report then selecting "Export";

    A new windows titled "Report - Output" will now open that allows you to specify the report format;

    For this test we will leave the default "PDF" format selected and click on  to produce our report.

    The report will now be created in our download folder, and is ready for inspection.

Example Report

In the following example we will create a report that will search for radius login activity for users in the domain "".

We start by naming our report and providing a suitable description, then we click on the icon in order to build our query statement;.

A new window now opens titled "Condition Builder";

For this report we want to search for radius login activity in the domain "";

We don't need any additional conditions so we click to build the condition, and the Query Statement parameter is updated;

After the report has been saved and run, we will find that the exported report all radius logon activity for users who are members of the specified domain;

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