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To move a DualShield server to a new machine that runs on a different OS from the old machine, you basically need to install a fresh new DualShield server on the new machine, then transfer the DualShield database and some other files from the old machine to the new machine. Below is the guide in steps.

On the old Windows machine:

1. Stop the DualShield service

2. If the DualShield uses a local MySQL database, then export the DaulShield database 


3. Install the latest DualShield server with EXACTLY the same FQDN as the one on the  old machine - Please refer to to Installation on Linux Console

4. Stop the DualShield service 


You can then run the following commands to import the dualshield.sql file...  (for the last command replace username replace [username] with the account name used to log into Linux CLI

Code Block
    cd /opt/dualshield/mysql/bin/
    ./mysql -uroot -p -e "drop database dualshield"
	./mysql -uroot -p -e "create database dualshield DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci"     
	./mysql -uroot -p dualshield < /home/[username]/dualshield.sql

6. Copy the following files from the Windows machine to the home folder of the Linux machine:


Code Block
    cd /opt/dualShield/jre/lib/security/     
    ../../bin/keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore /home/[username]/cacerts -srcstorepass changeit -destkeystore cacerts -deststorepass changeit -srcalias dualultimateca -noprompt  
    ../../bin/keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore /home/[username]/cacerts -srcstorepass changeit -destkeystore cacerts -deststorepass changeit -srcalias deepnetownca -noprompt
