After you have scanned all your users, you are ready to generate the files necessary to import into DualShield to make user of these tokens & user assignments. Press the Generate Import Files button, which will then prompt you to supply a filename and location to save two files (.CSV & .XML). These files can then be imported into DualShield via the Repository > Token Management. More details on how to do this can be found at the following links:
Important Notes
- Before you assign the users to the imported tokens in dualshield, you may want to modify the default Access Card Policy in DualShield to automatically activate Access Card tokens when created or assigned if you do not need this additional security feature. This will make rolling out large batches of cards faster as each card will not have to be manually activated by the administrator then.
- This utility has an autosave file located in the directory where the main executable is located, which will automatically save scanned progress every user assignment. If the DSCReader.autosave file is present, it will load all scanned user progress back into the application on launch. This file is destroyed everytime Import files are successfully generated.