To install the DualShield Windows Logon Agent, launch the installer To install the DualShield Windows Logon Agent, launch the installer SetupDSAgent-xxx.yyyy.exe (where xxx is the version number and yyyy the build number) and go through the following steps:
Login to your DualShield Admin Console, select "Authenticaiton | Agents" in the side panel.
You will see that the agent you are installing is listed.
Open the Agent's context menu.
Select "Applications" to launch the application list
Select the application that you want to publish on this agent, e.g. Windows Logon, then click the "SAVE" button.
The application is now published on the agent.
Now, go back the agent installation process, click the Application drop down:
You will see that the application is now available in the list.
Select the application, then click the Save icon on the toolbar:
Finally, click the close icon to close the window
The Windows logon agent has now been successfully installed, registered and linked to an logon application.