Login with an admin account into the Okta admin console

Select "Applications | Applications" in the main menu

Click "Create App Integration"

Select "OIDC  - OpenID Connect" as the Sing-on method and select "Web Application" as the application type

Click "Next" to continue

Enter a name, e.g. SafeID Token Service, into the New Web App Integration form,

Tick Implicit (Hybrid) for the grant type

Add the following sign-in redirect URI’s.



Click "Save" 

Take a copy of the client id as you will need this in late steps

Now, login into the SafeID Admin Console

Select "Identity Providers"

Click "Add"

Select "OpenID"

In "OAuth Authorization Endpoint" enter "https://your-domain.okta.com/oauth2/v1/authorize"

In "OpenID Configuration Endpoint" enter "https://your-domain.okta.com/.well-known/openid-configuration"

Replace "your-domain" with the real domain name of your Okta domain name, e.g. "deepnet"

In "Application ID" enter the Client ID that you noted down in the previous step

Tick the “ID Token Required for logout" option

Click "Create" 

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