To install the NPS extension, complete the following steps:

1 - Download the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 Microsoft Download Center

2 - Download the NPS Extension from the Microsoft Download Center

3 - Copy the VC++ Redistributable installer files and NPS Extension installer file to the Network Policy Server you want to configure.

4 - Install the VC++ Redistributable 2015 on the Network Policy Server

5 - Install the NPS Extension on the Network Policy Server

6 - Run the NPS Extension Config Powershell Script

The NPS Extension installer creates a PowerShell script at C:\Program Files\Microsoft\AzureMfa\Config (where C:\ is your installation drive). You must run this script to config the NPS Extension

Sign in to your Azure AD account

Find your Azure AD Tenant ID

  1. Sign in to the Azure portal as the global administrator of the Azure tenant.

  2. Search for and select the Azure Active Directory.

  3. On the Overview page, the Tenant information is shown. Next to the Tenant ID, select the Copy icon, as shown in the following example screenshot:

Enter your Azure AD Tenant ID

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