Test LDAP search with the admin account

Execute the command below

ldapsearch -H 'ldap://ldap-broker-fqdn:389' -x -D 'cn=dualshield,dc=deepnetsecurity,dc=com' -w 'password' -b 'dc=deepnetsecurity,dc=com' '(samAccountName=username)'

Replace "ldap-broker-fqdn" with the FQDN of your DualShield LDAP broker, and "username" with the username of the user to be searched, e.g

(Please note that "cn=dualshield,dc=deepnetsecurity,dc=com" is the fixed DN of the admin account, and "password" is the fixed password of the admin account)

ldapsearch -H 'ldap://dualshield.fakestop.com:389' -x -D 'cn=dualshield,dc=deepnetsecurity,dc=com' -w 'password' -b 'dc=deepnetsecurity,dc=com' '(samAccountName=2fa)'

Test User Verification

Execute the command below

ldapwhoami -H 'ldap://ldap-broker-fqdn:389' -x -D 'User DN' -w 'User Password'

Replace "ldap-broker-fqdn" with the FQDN of your DualShield LDAP broker, "User DN" and "User Password with the DN and password of the user to be verified, e.g

ldapwhoami -H 'ldap://dualshield.fakestop.com:389' -x -D 'CN=2fa,CN=Users,DC=fakestop,DC=com' -w 'xxxxxx'

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