Static Password policy defines the password length, complexity, lifetime etc.
The policy can be found by navigating to "Administration | Policies", then scrolling down to the policy "Static Password system policies";

The static password policy settings can be edited by using the context menu option "Edit";

A new window will now open titled "Policy - Edit" that can be used to view and edit the policy settings for this policy;

The category for this policy is "Static Password" (this property cannot be edited).
The holder of this policy is "System" (this property cannot be edited).
The name assigned to identify the Static Password system policy by the System Administrator.
The System Administrator may use this field to annotate this policy.
This option allows the System Administrator to enable or disable this policy.
Minimum number of characters in the password.
How many days the password can be used before the password expires.
This option determines how many days before password expiry the user will receive an expiry warning.
This option is used to specify how notifications of password expiry are to be sent to the users (either by SMS or email);

The password list is used to ensure that new passwords are not on the password list (the most recently used passwords).
This option determines the character requirements of the password.

From the dropdown list of options the following options may be selected;
Password must include numbers - the password must include at least one digit ("0" to "9").
Password must include letters - the password must include at least one letter ("a" to "z", or "A" to "Z").
Password must include lowercase letters - the password must include at least one letter ("a" to "z").
Password must include special characters - the password must include special characters (chosen from "~!@#$%^&*()_+|\=-`{}[]:"';<>?/.,").
Specify how many how many times a pair of characters may repeat (default = 2).
e.g. "ABCAB" will be 2 repeating pairs.
Specify how many ascending or descending character will be allowed (default = 3).
e.g. "ALKSDFABCFKL" is 3 ascending sequential characters.
If this checkbox is selected the password cannot include the user's login name (default = false).
If ticked, this option will prevent the password from including the user's login name.
This option determines if the password can be stored in the browser's cache.
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