Launch a browser and type in the URL for your Citrix Gateway.  For this demonstration the URL is

The web page gets redirected to your Dualshield Single Sign-on page.

I type in my AD Logon name and click on Next.

This takes you to the authentication prompt:

You can see there are two steps, as dictated from the logon procedure you created.  The first step is prompting for the Static Password. This will be the AD password.

Enter this password and click on Verify.

The second step prompts you for the One-Time Password.

Please generate the OTP  from either a MobileID app or SafeID hardware token, type it in, and click on Verify

If authentication is successful, you will be redirected to the Citrix gateway URL.  Notice in the address bar that the Citrix receiver for web path is appended.

Detect and install the Citrix Receiver (if you do not already have this installed.)

Once done, you will see your Virtual Desktop or Apps.

Once you have finished your session, you can log off in the normal way.

You will be presented with the screen below.

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