In the DualShield authentication server we need to create an application for your web application. An application in DualShield needs a realm which links to a user directory that contains users who will be granted access to the application, it also needs a logon procedure which defines how users will be authenticated when they attempt to logon to the application.

For the instruction of how to create realm, domain and identity source, please refer to the DualShield Platform Administration Guide.

Logon Procedure

Firstly, create a Web SSO logon procedure, using the "+ CREATE" button in the menu:

Then, add its Logon Steps. Add Two, for example 'One-Time password' and 'Static Password':


The next step is to create an Application in DualShield for the Web application in your Tomcat, and publish the application on the DualShield SSO server.

Use the Self-Test function, to verify that the Application is ready:

Service Provider

We need to also create a SSO Service Provider for your Tomcat web application.

Select “SSO | Service Providers” then click “+ CREATE” button on the toolbar.

The “Type” of the Service Provider must be set to “SAML 2.0”.

Effectively, your Tomcat will become a SAML Service Provider (SP). Therefore, you need to provide the Metadata for your Tomcat SP.

Below is a template of a SP metadata. Copy it to a text editor. replace the text in red colour accordingly with the fqdn of your Tomcat web server.

For the ACS also replace the text in green, with your own, webapp path name.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

<EntityDescriptor xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:metadata"









        <SingleLogoutService index="0"


            Location="" />


        <AssertionConsumerService index="0"


            Location="" />

        <AttributeConsumingService index="0" isDefault="true">

            <ServiceName xml:lang="en">Undefined Attribute Service</ServiceName>       

            <RequestedAttribute Name="password" NameFormat="urn:string" FriendlyName="Password" isRequired="false" />





Then copy the modified version to the Service Provider creation window in DualShield:

Now, click the “Edit” button next to the “Attributes” label. Then, press “Create” button: 

You must add an attribute in the HTTP BODY named “roles” and give it a fixed value. For the purpose of this document, we name the role as “ROLE_USER”, as shown above.
This role will be used in your Tomcat server for the access restriction to the webpages that required two-factor authentication, as explained in section 3.2.3 below.

Finally, enable the option: Sign on SAML assertion.

Download DualShield Idp Metadata 

DualShield idp Metadata contains DualShield server's information which need to be import to your Tomcat server under directory /WEB-INF/. 

Select “SSO | SSO Servers. Select the context "..." menu on 'Single Sign-on Server' and select 'Download IdP Metadata':

The Idp metadata is saved as "Single Sign-on Server metadata.xml". This file needs to be transfer to Tomcat server, under directory /WEB-INF/ and renamed to Idp.xml

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