In your Dualshield Server, you need to create an SSO Service Provider for AWS.
Navigate to "SSO | Service Providers", then select the "+ CREATE" button on the toolbar:
Complete all fields as displayed above. The Metadata should be downloaded from the link below:
Select the "CREATE METADATA" button, when a window will appear, where the copied Metadata can be pasted in. Click "SAVE" to accept.
Next, click the 2nd tab named "Attributes".
Click the "+ CREATE" button to add the first of 2 new attributes, as required by AWS.
Use the screenshots below to see how these need to be created:
Attribute 1:
The Name value of the first attribute is,
Attribute 2:
The Name value of the second attribute is,
In the Script edit box, enter the text below:
The first part, "arn:aws:iam::226196376180:saml-provider/DualShield" is the ARN of the Identity Provider created in AWS. See below:
The second part, "arn:aws:iam::226196376180:role/"+AWSRole is the ARN of the role of the user. AWSRole is a user's identity attribute mapped to an AD attribute that define the user's role in AWS.
Finally, click "SAVE" to complete creation of this Service Provider.