In order for the DualShield server to send emails, you need to set up an email gateway in your DualShield server. Commonly, your email gateway would your Exchange server.

An email gateway connects to an email server, such as an Exchange server, via the SMTP protocol. 

In the DualShield Admin Console, navigate to Configuration | Gateways


Select EMAIL as the Type

Provide the following details

Namename of the email gateway
DomainsSelect all domains
Server URIIP address or FQDN of the email server
PortPort number of the SMTP connection to the email server, e.g. 25
Transport Layer Security (TLS)Tick this box if the SMTP connection requires TCP
Secure Socket Layer (SSL)Tick this box if the SMTP connection requires SSL
Authentication RequiredTick this box if the SMTP connection requires authentication


Enter an email address in From and To

Click "TEST"

Click CANCEL to dismiss the test window

The email gateway has been created & tested successfully. 

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