To connect to an Active Directory, follow the steps below:

In the DualShield Admin Console, in the side panel, select "Identity | Identity Source

then, click the "Create" button. This will bring up the "Identity Source Registration" wizard:

In the "Type" box, select "LDAP

In the "Provider" box, select "Active Directory"

In the "Name" box, enter a name that describes the AD

Click the NEXT button to continue

In the "Directory URL" box, enter "ldap://" or "ldaps://" followed by the IP address or host name of the AD server

In the "Access User" box, enter the username of the AD service account that is to be used by DualShield to connect to the AD

In the "Access User Password"   box, enter the password of the access user

If you have provided the correct data above, then the "Base DN" will be automatically filled in. 

There are several further steps that will allow you to customize the connection to your Active Directory. However, in most cases you do not need to customize it. If for some reasons you do need to customise it or optimize it, you can come back later and make the changes. For now, you can to click the FINISH button to complete the wizard.

In the DualShield Admin Console, in the side panel, select "Directory | Domains

Click the "Create" button. This will bring up the "New Domain" dialog window:

In the "Identity Source" box, select the identity source that contains the domain to be created.

Make sure that the "DNS Name" and "NetBIOS Name" are set correctly

Click the "Save" button to finish

In the DualShield Admin Console, navigate to "Directory | Users

In the Domain list, select the domain that you want to work on, e.g.

If you click the "Search" button, it will list all users in the entire directory up to the query limit.

To narrow down your search, click the "Filter" button

Enter the user's login name, e.g. 2FA, then click the "Search" button (You can change the search filter or add more filters)

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