- Error 400 - Bad Request - Message channels duplicated
- Error 500 - Internal server error - No access to Provisioning Server Following Upgrade
- Error 500 - Internal server error - SAML2 login
- DAC Error - Invalid Hex Encoding
- DAS Error: The Das server is currently disconnected
- O365 Error - Cannot remove the default domain
- SSO Error - Connection Refused
- SAML2 Login - Internal Server Error 500
- DAC - Strange characters appearing on DualShield Admin Console
- IIS Agent - Invalid SAML Response: Signature verified failed
- OWA Error - WrongAudienceUriOrBadSigningCert
- OWA Error - Invalid SAML Response: Signature wrapping attack, wrong URI
- Error - Unknown algorithm name: PROX TOTP
- Unable to remove LDAP Connections Workaround.
- Error - Could not acquire database change log lock
- Fatal Alert - Certificate_Unknown
- Error when importing a license keys - Cannot cast object null with class null to class int - Try java.lang.Integer instead
- Error when importing a certificate PFX file - Invalid certificate or bad password
- Error when trying to update the web certificate - There is an unfinished system job
- SSO - Logon session timed out or tab session not exist
- Unable to Logon Where AD Account is Restricted to a Single Workstation
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