This chapter describes how to build Mellon module in Ubuntu 12.

  1. Install Apache Sever
    If you have not got Apache server installed, use the command below to install it:
                sudo apt-get install apache2

  2. Install Build Package
    The Mellon source code is written in C++. To compile C/C++ programs using gcc you must have the build-essential package installed. The build-essential package contains gcc and all the headers that C/C++ need. To install build-essential, use the following command:
                sudo apt-get install build-essential

  3. Install Mellon Dependencies
    Lasso:      sudo apt-get install liblasso-dev
    Apxs2:      sudo apt-get install apache2-dev
    Libcurl:     sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev

  4. Download Mellon Source Code
    The Mellon project is hosted at:
    Use the command below to download it:
    Unpack it to a project folder:
                tar -xzvf mod_auth_mellon-0.7.0.tar.gz 

  5. Compile Mellon Module
    Type the command below to create the make file
    Check the result. If there is any error then it is normally caused by the lack of it dependencies. Make sure that all of its dependencies have been installed.
    If succeeded, then run make to compile the module
    Check the result and make sure that it has been successful.
    Finally, install the module to the Apache server:
                sudo make install

    Libraries have been installed in: /usr/lib/apache2/modules -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  267299 Oct 17 14:54 

    The file name of the module is and it is installed in the folder /usr/lib/apache/modules
    You can copy the module to a production machine in the same folder.


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