In the DualShield Admin Console, navigate to "SSO | Service Providers"

Create Service Provider

On the toolbar, click the "Create" button

Fill in the form as below:

Add SAML Attributes

Now, click the "Attributes" tab

We are going to add 4 SAML attributes

The first attribute is "UPN"

Map it to userPrincipalName.

Set its Claim Type to

The second attribute is "ImmutableID",

use script to map it to: userID.decodeHex().encodeBase64().toString()

Set its claim type to

The third attribute is "username"

Map it to: loginName.

For this attribute, select "URL Path" as the location and enable the "Get Input" option

The last attribute to add is "authnmethodsreferences"

Claim Type:

Fixed Value:

Click Save

Change NameIDFormat

Now, click the "General Settings" tab

change NameIDFormat to "Map to the following attribute", and Attribute to "ImmutableID".

Finally, click "Save"

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