Create a RADIUS logon procedure

  1. Login to the DualShield Administration Console
  2. In the main menu, navigate to “Authentication | Logon Procedures”
  3. Click the “+ CREATE” button on the toolbar
  4. Enter an appropriate “Name” and select “RADIUS” as the 'Type'

  5. Click “SAVE” to confirm creation.
  6. Click the context "..." menu icon of the newly created Logon Procedure, then select “Logon Steps”.
  7. In the popup window, click the “+ ADD” button to add authentication methods. Such as “Static Password + One-Time Password”:

  8. Click “SAVE” to confirm.

Create a RADIUS application

  1. In the main menu, navigate to “Authentication | Applications”
  2. Click the “+ CREATE” button on the toolbar
  3. Enter an appropriate “Name”
  4. Select the internal “Realm”
  5. Select the Logon Procedure created in the previous Step.

  6. Click “SAVE” to confirm.
  7. Click the context "..." menu of the newly created application, then “Agents”

  8. Select the previously integrated DualShield RADIUS Server.
  9. Click “SAVE” to confirm.

  10. Click the context "..." menu of the newly created Application, then select “Self Test” to confirm the Application is fully integrated.

Register the Astaro Security Gateway UTM as a Radius client

  1. In the main menu, navigate to “Radius | Radius Clients”
  2. Click the “+ CREATE" button in the toolbar, to create a Radius Client.

  3. Enter an appropriate 'Name' for this Radius Client
  4. Click the drop-down on 'Radius Servers' and select the appropriate RADIUS Server. Then "Okay" to confirm.
  5. Click the drop-down on 'Application' and select the Radius Application created earlier.
  6. Enter the IP Address of the Astaro Security Gateway UTM.
  7. Enter the Shared Secret used in Astaro Security Gateway UTM.
  8. Select the appropriate 'Authentication Protocol(s)' to use. Also as configured on the Astaro Gateway.
  9. Finally click “SAVE” to create the new Radius Client entry.

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