
If you need to bulk transfer your hardware token details between DualShield servers, then this can be achieved by using export task that create the files that will be imported into the recipient server, then importing these files using the import button after navigating to "Repository | Tokens";

Importing the required tasks

The tasks that allow token export will first need to be downloaded into your system by navigating to "Administration | Tasks", then clicking on the "Download" button;

After clicking "Download" a web page will open in your browser, and from this page you should right click on the option "Export tokens & assignments" then use the "Save link as .." option;

You will then be able to save the template as an XML file to a convenient location (e.g. your desktop).

Once the XML file has been downloaded it can be imported into your task list by clicking on the "Import" button (next to the download button);

A new window will open titled "Import Task", click on "Select File", navigate to the locate where you saved your XML file, and import the file;

Once imported the following tasks will be added to your task list;

  • Export Token Assignments by Domain
  • Export Token Assignments by Group
  • Export MobileID/Time-Based Tokens
  • Export MobileID/Event-Based Tokens
  • Export SafeID/Time-Based Tokens
  • Export SafeID/Event-Based Tokens

Exporting Token details and Assignments

There are two aspects of token details that can be transferred between DualShield servers, the token assignments (details of which users tokens have been assigned to), and token details (containing the token seed, serial number and token specific details).

The downloaded tasks allow you to export these details to an export folder that should be located as a sub-folder of your DualShield installation folder.  To find the export folder right click on the desktop shortcut that launches DualShield then select "Open file location";

From the DualShield installation directory you should find the sub-folder "export" - this is where the token assignments and details will be exported to (if this folder does not already exist then it will need to be created);

Token details and assignments may now be exported to this folder using the newly downloaded tasks.

(in this example we will download the SafeID token details using the task "Export SafeID/Time-Based Tokens").

To run the task navigate to "Administration | Tasks", left click on the context menu for the required export task then select "Run";

After the task has completed inspect the export folder (as indicated earlier) and you will find a new file has been created

In this example we have exported the token details for SafeID time-based tokens however you can export token details and assignments using the other tasks that were downloaded.

Whilst you can download software tokens details as well as hardware token details, any future importing of software tokens onto another server may cause issues with duplicate serial numbers unless special measures are taken, however such issues should not affect importing hardware tokens.

Token assignments are exported in a similar way, however you will need to supply necessary parameters (such as the domain);

Token assignments are exported to a CSV file (see example below);

Importing Token details and Assignments

Once token details and assignments have been exported to your export folder they can be used either as a backup of your token details, or for import into another server.

To import token details navigate to "Repository | Tokens", then click on the "Import" button;

This will cause a new window titled "Import Tokens" to open, click on "Select file" and navigate to the token details you wish imported into the server;

After importing token details you will find that the token details are listed in the token repository, but the details do not include who the tokens have been assigned to. 

Token assignments are imported differently from token details and use the button found just after the import button labelled "Assign";

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