To install Glowroot on a Linux OS to work with DualShield, follow steps below:

1- Change directory to where DualShield is installed, i.e. /opt/dualshield

cd /opt/dualshield

2- Use wget to download Glowroot

sudo wget

3- Unzip Glowroot 

sudo unzip

Glowroot files will be unzipped into a sub-directory called "glowroot"

4- Change the ownship of "glowroot" 

sudo chown -R dualshield:dualshield glowroot

5- Edit DualShield configuration file

sudo vi /etc/init.d/dualshield

6- Locate the text below

Insert "-javaagent:/opt/dualshield/glowroot/glowroot.jar", change it to:

Save and exit

7- Restart DualShield service

sudo /etc/init.d/dualshield restart

You can now acess the glowroot web console locally by ""

If you want to access Glowroot console remotely, then

8- Edit "/opt/dualshield/glowroot/admin.json"

sudo vi /opt/dualshield/glowroot/admin.json

locate the text below:

"BinAddress": ""

Replace "" with the real IP of the machine, eg. ""


Save and Exit

9- Restart DualShield service

You can now acess the glowroot web console remotely by ""
