Once you have obtained your certificate file from your Certificate Authority, you can then use this tool to merge your Private key from the original CSR with your new Certificate file into a PFX format. On the CSR entry from the main interface, Right-Click on the desired CSR and select the Create PFX from CA Cert option.

You will then be presented with a small form where you can select your new CA Signed Certificate file.


Some online CA's will provide you with more than one certificate if it is required to complete the Certificate Authority Chain. You can use this same interface to load these other Intermediate CA Certificates by using the second option to be inluded in the created .pfx. Once you have loaded your CA Signed Certificate and entered a password to protect the private key, you can now Create your PFX file by clicking the Create PFX button. A dialog will then appear which will ask you where you would like to save the .pfx file using the name you specify. Once saved, you will see a confirmation message confirming the .pfx creation was successful.